Changeling Dream

Oh those Macleod men. *swoon* Can I find this small town in rural Canada? Anyone want to come with me? ;D Even the secondary characters (although having a much smaller role in this book) are wonderful. Love Birkie, the powerful "aunt" who is the only non-changeling that holds an important role within the pack. And although I was hoping for a Culley story (he's the smart-ass in the pack), the next book is Changeling Dawn which is the single sister's tale. Curious as to how that one will play out. Can I has it now? ;D
I give this book 4 1/2 stars. You don't have to read them in order (although I did... ha!). There is a logical timeline of events within each book, but you wouldn't struggle at all if you picked up this book first. These books are stand-alones. Again, I heartily recommend this to PNR shifter fans.