The Iron Traitor

Yep, like that. This would upset me more if the adventure before that ending wasn't so good. I enjoyed the action, the interaction between characters and the romance of Ethan and Kenzie. I'm also glad there were brief appearances with other well known characters in this world and I hope there is more of that in the next book. Razor is in this one again too and I'm happy to be reunited with that little gremlin. As for what happens next? I don't know but I know I want to know now! I mean is it too hard to give us a 1000+ book once in a while? ;) Seriously, it's cruel to leave us hanging like that. :) Still, addicted as we are, we will wait and gobble up the next installment when it comes.
I give this book 4 stars and I'm guessing you now know I want the next one immediately. I'm sure it is only a guess... ;)