Killer Frost

Okay, so I don't want to spoil a thing so I'll just say that this book delivers. You want action? Oh you get that in spades. You want to know about Logan and Gwen's relationship? Yes, you get answers as well as things left open (they are kids still, so it makes total sense). Let me just say that the series goes out with a bang and you get enough twists and nail biting experiences to satisfy.
I also have to say this... I don't often like series enders. Things get to wrapped up way too conveniently or not at all. The ending doesn't fit the series. It is like a series ender stumps the author. I felt NONE of that with this book. I was happy with the ending. It was satisfying and a bit bittersweet. My biggest complaint? No more visits to this world. No more great secondary characters. Guess I'll have to do a reread.
I give this book 5 stars. I enjoyed my final battles with Gwen and the gang and hope that Vic and Nyx get a novella all their own.