The Mating Heat

The Mating Heat - Bonnie Vanak I have to admit I wasn't sure about Ryder at first. He endured a lot and loved Kara, the former alpha's daughter who had been scarred. My problem is that I thought, at first, he might try to force her to be his mate. He did seem to vacillate between wanting to take her and wanting to woo her. As the story went on he saw how damaged she was and never forced her to do anything but face the pack with her damaged face so she could see that she would be accepted. As the story goes on you see that his want of her is what read as thinking about forcing her and he would never do that. So, yea, in the end he totally won me over. The world isn't fully developed in the book and there will be lots of questions left after reading this novella. However, that is often the reason for beginning novellas and usually the world gets more fleshed out in subsequent books in the series. In the end I give the novella 3 1/2 stars and recommend it to those that want to peek into this PNR shifter world.