Pop Art: Decorating & Shaping Custom Cake Pops

Pop Art: Decorating & Shaping Custom Cake Pops - Kris Galicia Brown Can you see those pictures on the cover? Don't think you can do them? Oh I think you can! Just follow the directions given by the author and it would be easy.

Her ideas are so well put together. Plus everything is laid out well so you can attempt them yourself. Don't believe me? Check out this video: (Youtube link) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0yKu2iRDCA&noredirect=1

One of these days I'm going to try out the little furry dog she has on one of her pages for my vet. They do so much for my furry spoiled babies that I thought those would be cute. They even have kitties, but since I have puppers... :) If you want to see more of what you can make check out her website on the Gallery page (HERE). That little puppy is on that page.

I give this book 4 stars. It's something different and fun and I think the instructions are extremely easy to follow.